Carlos Duran, President, National Hispanic Pastors Alliance
Carlos Duran is President of the National Hispanic Pastors Alliance.
He worked for Promise Keepers for over 12 years, reaching and serving the Hispanic community across the country. In 2007, he founded Hombres de Palabra (Men Of their Word). He was the Washington D.C. Chapter Director and a board member for the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference, representing and advocating for over 30,000 Hispanic churches and organizations.
He is an Honorary Board member of the Year of the Responsible Fathers Initiative and a board member of the Volunteers for America of the Chesapeake Area. For the last 20 years he has worked with the churches of Washington D.C. and has served as the Executive Director for the Evangelical Association of Hispanic Ministers.
Carlos Duran was recognized in 2011 by President Obama and the White House as a “Champion of Change”, he is an ordained Pastor.
Carlos was born in Colombia and immigrated to the USA at the age of 19. He has a degree in Business Administration and Project Management from Liberty University.